I have a question concerning the shapes found in a third grade math book. According to the Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics, 11.2.4 states "For readers in kindergarten through grade 3, do not use the shape indicator (i.e., edc for circle) to represent objects. Shapes should be shown as tactile graphics." Although that is very concrete, I am wondering about situations like the one in the attached pdf.
The squares used in this situation are there to simply show the student where to fill in the appropriate information (i.e. a comparison sign). If I follow the guideline stated above, every instance like this, which there are several in this book, must be treated graphically. Would this be the correct way to handle this material or would it be better for the reader if I substituted a general omission or used a shape symbol with a transcriber's note to the teacher explaining the substitution?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Toby Ferguson
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