Shapes and UEB

Home Forums Unified English Braille Technical Shapes and UEB

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  • #38637

    Dear Expert,
    In the CNIB-UEB Technical Self-Directed Course updated July 2016, pg 5; Line Mode: Practice B, Number 2. The
    triangle is placed in between ""=;;; and ""=;' on own line, then the triangle represented in braille line mode.
    My question is; Why does the triangle start in cell 5? In rules of UEB, I cannot find any reason for this to be placed in
    cell 5 but have noticed that line mode in Rules of UEB the graphics start in cell 1 and the triangle example for UEB
    Technical 2017 is in cell 3. Could you clarify this for all of us at GBSC.
    Another question: Can you clarify the use of general fraction indicators used for the following example:

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    Hello Grafton Braille Service Center.

    Cell five is the standard starting point for displayed material in itemized material. Cell three is the runover position for itemized without sub items. It is important to be consistent in formatting.

    The equation is a general fraction with the numerator and the denominator also being general fractions.

    The general fraction opening and closing indicators are required for the whole equation. A second opening fraction indicator is required for the numerator, general fraction x/y, followed by a general fraction closing indicator. The same is used for the denominator, general fraction. The final braille symbol is the general fraction closing indicator which closes the whole general fraction.

    I hope this clears up your questions.

    I have attached the braille file of this example.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by wbenckhuysen.
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