Shortform Brailling Question

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Shortform Brailling Question

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  • #38473
    Tiffanie Dumont

    My collegues and I have a question regarding which is the right way to braille this word...


    We can't find the rule to support typing out the word QUICK instead of using the shortform for it. Your help in this matter would be much appreciated.

    Tiffanie Dumont

    I realize this is part of a lesson, I am passed it, but I would still like a quoted rule. We think it is because of the 2.6.2/2.6.3??


    This question should be on the UEB Literary forum.  However, I'll quote rule 10.9.3c dealing with words involving shortforms that do not appear on the list at the back of the code book: "Use the shortform for quick if it begins the word and is not followed by a vowel or a y." Then go to 10.12.12 which says that if punctuation, an indicator or a terminator occurs within a word, follow the basic contraction rules.


    Tiffanie Dumont

    Thanks for letting me know and thanks for the rule suggestions.


    Other places to look: the definition of letters sequence, the standing alone rule, and this subject was discussed in a Bulletin article (page 41 of the Fall edition) if you want to look there.


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