Shortform word after parentheses

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    I know that you can use the shortform word little in the longer word Littleton. But what if (Littleton) is in parentheses? One braille translation program I use results in Little being contracted, the other program I use uncontracts it. I'm assuming this is due to various interpretations of Rule 10.9.3(c). which says that the shortform must begin the word.  When they say "word" here, do they mean the start of the symbol sequence? Or, since parentheses do not affect stand alone status,  is it okay to use the shortform?


    According to 10.6.2, the beginning of a word is defined as the letters-sequence which follows a psace, hyphen or dash and which may be preceded by the punctuation and indicator symbols listed in 2.6.2 (which is the standing alone rule).  The parentheses are listed in 2.6.2, so you CAN use the shortform for little in this instance.



    Thank you for your prompt reply. This is a great resource for transcribers.

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