Simple or complex fraction when a fraction is in a function statement

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Simple or complex fraction when a fraction is in a function statement

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  • #29790

    I have a fraction that contains function with a fraction.  Does the fraction within the function create a complex fraction?

    Numerator:  cos (3 pi over 2) +h-cos (3 pi over 2)

    Denominator:  h



    Thank you for the question. In short, yes, what you describe is a complex fraction, because it has a fraction within a fraction all on the baseline level.

    Please see section 65 of the Nemeth Code. Also, attached is an image of what it sounds like your print looks like as well as a .BRF and a WORD document that contain an appropriate Nemeth Code transcription of that print.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by kdejute. Reason: Add more information and related files
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