Soprano II Voice

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  • #43334
    Robert Dietrich

    Hello Kathleen:

    In a multi-part ensemble with Soprano I voice and Soprano II voice sometimes split and sometimes together, how am I to differentiate between S2 and Alto voice (see below)?

    This transcription is for the Soprano II voice, and I am not clear on which notes are S2 and which are A.

    I thought about upstem v. downstem, but that seems inconsistent. Any suggestions?





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    Hi Robert,

    Those two measures aren't enough for me to guide you either way. I'd have to see the majority of the music - for example, are soprano and alto parts printed on different staves or on the same staff? Can you give me some more excerpts to see the soprano and alto divisions versus the times when the soprano divides into 2?


    Robert Dietrich

    This piece alternates between S1/S2 and unison sections every couple of measures. The Soprano and Alto voices do share a line of music. But the Alto voice only shows downstem notes occasionally. I can't really show you anything else because the whole song alternates in the form that the original two bars do. I have included a couple of additional mesures anyway.

    I have 9 pieces to transcribe in the same format, and this inconsistency is rather troublesome.

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    I would say, then, without seeing the whole thing, that when the upper staff is divided into two parts, you should assume it's soprano  and alto. The stem signs are used when they sing unison on a note. Otherwise, the lower note is alto.

    When there are three parts, the middle part would be soprano 2.

    Hope that helps

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