Space to be filled in…

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  • #39215
    Bama Braille

    How would you transcribe 9. in attached file?  Would I use a transcriber note to explain the blank space to be filled in?  If so, how would I word that?

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    My first thought is that this should be drawn as the student needs to create a graph. But if that is not possible, include a TN that says something like "Print shows a blank grid for a graph. The grid includes an x- and y-axis with 6 additional horizontal lines." It might be helpful to see the previous question - is question 9 indicating that EACH horizontal line is considered an "axis line" and those are what the student is supposed to label - or are they truly talking about the "axis" lines (which I would take to mean the bottom line and the line to the left (x- and y-axis))?

    The 'Title:' should be centered above the graph and the 'Key:' should be between the title and the graph. I'd put 'Key:' in cell 7 as that is where a key usually is in braille.


    Bama Braille

    Thank you so much!

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