Spatial and linear format in same equation.

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Spatial and linear format in same equation.

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  • #36697
    Fred Van Ackeren

    Hi Cindi,

    The following appears in text:

    (see attachment with my interpretation)

    Nemeth allows both spatial and linear format as parts of an equation but I can't find any info for the same in UEB. On p.24 of the Technical Manual they are shown separately but not combined in the same equation. I'm wondering if perhaps it would be better to braille the entire equation in one format or the other since cancellation in UEB doesn't need to be spatial.

    There is another question to spatial fractions; p.24 TM shows the numerator and denominators starting at dots 25 under the separation line and not at the margin of the line indicator, dot 5. This format isn't so for other spatial material where numbers start at the margin (see p.25 of TM). Just wondering why the difference.

    Thanks, Fred


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    This is not technically under the literary Formats rules - it is more a UEB Technical question.  I've asked Kyle DeJute (chair of the UEB Technical Committee) to answer it.



    Thank you for the questions, Fred.

    To your first question, there appear to be no rules prohibiting the combination of linear and spatial representation in the transcription of various parts of an expression in UEB. So, your sample transcription (which uses  a spatial layout only for the fraction that includes cancellation) is not wrong. If you do use spatial arrangement for the part of the expression that includes cancellation, I would recommend transcribing the left side of the equation whose right side is spatial on the braille line with the equals sign that precedes that spatial material.

    But really, I would recommend transcribing this simple cancellation in linear form, as is done in the last example in GTM 4.1.6.

    I see what you're saying about numerators and denominators of a spatially arranged fraction starting in the same column as the second cell of the two-cell horizontal line mode indicator. First, I would note that GTM appears to be consistent with this treatment of spatial fractions; the fractions on page 23 of GTM are arranged in the same way. Second, I can only say that GTM does not tell us where to ... or where *not* to put numbers in relation to a horizontal line in a mathematical spatial arrangement. So, we are allowed to find our own consistency, with feedback from the braille user and/or teacher where possible.

    Again, thank you for your astute questions.


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