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  • #34753

    November 20, 2019

    Hi Kyle

    I am sending you a question from one of our transcribers from MBTF.

    My name is Jason Armour and I am a UEB math instructor here at MBTF. I am currently transcribing a 5<sup>th</sup> grade math book and I came across a couple of different spatials. I am sending you a BRF and ABT file with two different examples. For my first example, do I use the grade 1 indicator for each letter (a, b) or use the dot locator for use and the grade 1 passage and terminator? For the second example, do you think that it is necessary to use the dot locator for use and the grade 1 passage in this situation? I am looking forward to your response. Thank you for your time in this matter.


    (Kyle, I'm sending you his document as well as the examples would not come through in this message.)

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    Thank you for the questions. I understand those to be:

    1. Using only UEB, in a spatial calculation that includes lowercase letters, how should grade 1 be indicated for those letters?
    2. Using only UEB, does any kind of grade 1 indicator need to be used for the visible space in a spatial calculation?

    In short, my answers would be:

    1. In your example, which includes only two lowercase letters, which are located in the top row of the spatial calculation, I would use a grade 1 symbol indicator immediately preceding each individual letter. And I would reference Rules of UEB section 6.9.3 ("... any lowercase letter a-j [in a numeric passage] is preceded by a grade 1 indicator.")
    2. No.

    Please see the attachments for braille, images of the print, and some additional commentary.

    If you have any follow-up questions or points of discussion, please do share them here. Goodness knows there can be more than one correct way to do it.


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