In regards to listed symbols on the Special Symbols page(s) we would like to know if Braille Formats will continue to have the provision for categories as currently given in §2.5.2.f & g when the revised version becomes available?
We are currently formatting our symbols pages in UEB material in braille order without categories as outlined in the 2015 NBA Fall Bulletin, excerpted below, as well as the Instruction Manual for Braille Transcribing, Unified English Braille Edition, 2015, §19.2a(2).
HOW symbols are listed and identified.
Special symbols continue to be listed in two ways. Each listed symbol is preceded (unspaced) by the dot locator for "mention." Dot numbers are NOT given for any symbol.
● with listed symbols on the Special Symbols page, a transcriber-generated (t-page), at the beginning of the volume
● at the location of occurrence
○ as a list within a transcriber’s note used only once in the volume at that location
○ in an embedded transcriber’s note of no more than 7 words, including the symbol and its identification
● Symbols are listed in braille order without categories.
Also, we have a question about the ampersand character shown as in §11 Miscellaneous Symbols of the Guidelines for Technical Material. We can neither find how or where this symbol is explained in text or used in an example. The only other symbol with these dot configurations we could find is in the Symbols List on page 309 of The Rules of Unified English Braille, with the designation "grave accent alone."
Thank you for your time and attention.
This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by