Stacked Division

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Stacked Division

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  • #29392

    I have a project that is introducing various ways division problem can be displayed to the student in text. It then goes on to have numerous division problems in both the linear format and this stacked format as shown in my attachment. There are also negative numbers in some of these equations but all problems divide evenly with no remainders. Clearly these are not intended to be fractions but rather numbers to be divided having a one word instruction applied to them simply stating "Divide".  How do you recommend this be spatially displayed? We wish to avoid confusing the student into thinking these are fractions.

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    The "stacked" format you refer to IS a fraction.



    Thank you for your question.

    I agree with Violet227; mathematically "15 over 3" and "fifteen thirds" have the same value.

    If you are transcribing the print you attached (thank you for including the example), you could use either the simple horizontal line (a series of dots 25) or the spatial fraction line (a series of dots 25 preceded by the opening fraction indicator and followed by the closing fraction indicator) between the numerator "15" and the denominator "3".


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