Syllabification of a word in a worksheet

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  • #38792
    Clara Harris

    I consider syllabification part of spelling. However, I do not have two transcribers to agree with me. Kindly help me take a decision.

    This is a 3rd Grade Reading Worksheet. I read TBF 17. 8.1 Spelling list or activities, [Do NOT contract syllabified single and compound words.]

    Q: Will you uncontract the underline word and the answer choices for this 3rd grade exercise?

    1. How should the word <u>alimentary</u> be divided into syllables?
    2. ali - men - ta - ry
    3. al - im - en - tar - y
    4. a -lim - ent - ary
    5. al - li - men - ta - ry



    Unless it's part of a spelling list, words divided into syllables can use contractions. This is an exercise, not a spelling list. Contractions may be used. See Section 20 of BF where words are divided into syllables and contractions are used.


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