Symbols not required on SS page

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Symbols not required on SS page

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  • #40556
    Fred Van Ackeren

    Hi Cindi,

    Is there a published list of symbols not required on the Special Symbols page? I find them scattered over many places and probably haven't found them all. Is there one place where these could be kept on a current list?

    thanks, Fred


    Appendix G has the list of what IS required on the Special Symbols page - everything else is not required 🙂  A transcriber should consider the reader though - as, for instance, the asterisk is not listed as one of the required symbols but might not be familiar to the reader. It's not REQUIRED but it might be helpful for a reader. Please note that if you are taking a certification test, what is not required should not be listed.


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