Table fomatting

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  • #43291
    Soo Ja Kim


    This is a table containing a poem. I'd like to explain the formatting changes I made:

    1. I changed the format to a list.
    2. I placed the column headings starting in cell 5, as the poem begins in cell 1.
    3. There are only two columns, and the second column has no entries, so I used a series of three guide dots to indicate blank spaces.

    The transcriber's note reads: "The print format has been changed. Column headings begin in cell 5. A series of three guide dots indicates a blank entry."

    Also, I’m wondering if I should center the headings for the poem title and author, even though the poem is in a table.

    Could you please clarify if this formatting works?

    Thank you in advance!

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    Connie Stone

    Soo Jo Kim,

    The lines under the "Group Translation" heading appear to just be blank lines for notes. They do not align evenly with lines under "Group Poem". I would not consider this a table, therefore you do not need the guide dots. You would also need to change the Group Poem to a Center Heading due to Origins of  Violence having to be centered. I suggest you place a TN under the Group Translation such as "Ten blank lines are provided for notes."

    Hope this helps,


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