Table of. Contents – indentation pattern

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  • #42466
    Christina Conroy

    Hi there! I'm working on a table of contents that does not have any indentation in the print, but the items in the TOC are very different in the text. For example some are section headings and others are sidebars. Should I follow print and not indent the TOC contents entries at all, or should I follow the way that the chapters treat each item and indent them according to their relative importance? I believe the second, and I believe that I've heard Cindi say as much at conferences, but I cannot for the life of me find any reference to this in my notes, or in Formats. Thanks!


    You should follow print and not put indentions into the TOC that do not appear in print. Using the TOC to determine heading levels in the text is sometimes very helpful and if there ARE indentions in the TOC and you have trouble discerning them, you could look to the text for clarification. But don't try to interpret text to input your TOC.


    Christina Conroy

    Thanks so much Cindi! I will do just that.

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