Tables: Line 25 Identifier

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Tables: Line 25 Identifier

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    FROM: T.L. Kowalak, MBTF

    SUBJECT: Tables; Line 25 identifier

    27 September 2017

    I am seeking additional thoughts, comments, or guidance related to the presentation of sequentially numbered tables in a chemistry (Nemeth) book.

    The guidelines state:

    Braille Formats §11.3.2(b) When a sequentially numbered table is longer than one braille page, repeat and center the table number on line 25 of each succeeding braille page, followed by "(cont.)".

    Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Context, Additional Guidelines §3. Titles for figures, tables, sections, etc. (such as “Figure 1”) are transcribed in UEB.

    In a situation where a lengthy, sequentially numbered table consisting entirely of material required to be presented within Nemeth switch indicators (following the title and transcriber's note) is being presented in a stairstep format how should the line 25 identifier be brailled, in Nemeth or UEB?

    (Message sent by Cindy Olmstead)


    I apologize for the delay in my response.

    Since the line-25 repetition of the label for a sequentially numbered table is in no way part of the content of the table, I would suggest transcribing the line-25 repetition of the table label in UEB with a transcriber's note explaining this set-up.

    Thank you for the astute and well-researched question.


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