Teacher Slide Presentation

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  • #40433
    April Gillilan

    I'm transcribing a series of slides where a table with terms, definitions, and examples is repeated on 4 slides. All of the column/row entries are included in each iteration of the table, but each time it appears, select words from the entries are emphasized in bold typeface.

    In the first appearance of the table, select words in the first row are emphasized in bold. In the second appearance on the next slide, select words from the second row of the table are in bold as well as the previously bolded words from the first row. The third appearance on the next slide repeats this pattern, select words from the third row are in bold, in addition to the previous two rows.

    I've attached an excerpt of the slideshow here. While the bolded words in the second column do seem to emphasize key parts of the definition, the bolding of words in the first column (and from slide to slide) seem to be utilized more as a transitional effect. What is the proper way to transcribe this? Should I transcribe the table once with all of the emphasis in one go, just the emphasis on the words in the definitions? Or transcribe the table 4 separate times adding the additional emphasis each time?

    I'm probably wildly overthinking this, but section 6.13 on Slide Presentations is pretty generalized and I tend to second guess myself when there is room for interpretation. Any guidance on handling this scenario or what other sections of Braille Formats I should refer to are greatly appreciated.

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    In my opinion (and there aren't any guidelines about this) I would ignore the bold. I see this as a visual cue rather than as true information for the braille reader to need.  I would do the table once and then insert a transcriber's note that says something like: The table is shown on four slides. Each slide highlights different things the teacher will discuss in class. You could also consider asking the teacher if they think the bold is necessary for the braille reader.



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