To add or not to add the Bar Code ISBN

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook To add or not to add the Bar Code ISBN

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  • #38207
    Tiffanie Dumont

    Hello. I am new here and have a question regarding the Title page's ISBNs. The ISBN 10 looks like this:

    ISBN: 0-9723311-3-1 (It does not include the number 10 after the ISBN)

    The ISBN 13 is not on this page but there is a barcode on the back cover of the book that includes the ISBN 13. Is that ISBN 13 supposed to be added to the Title page? and if so how should that look?



    Both ISBN's should be included on your title page.

    ISBN: 0-9723311-3-1

    ISBN 13: ....


    Tiffanie Dumont

    Thank you for your help Cindi. I appreciate your quick reply.



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