Transcriber Note Indicator Placement

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  • #42616

    I have a question in regards to a closing TN indicator followed on the next line by an opening TN indicator. In a cartoon, if there’s no title, author, etc., can the closing TN indicator after the identifier “cartoon” and the opening TN indicator before a transcriber generated description be omitted? Or do the closing and opening indicators between the identifier and description need to be retained. The guidelines in Section 3 seem to suggest that a single set of TN indicate would be adequate, but example 14-10 in the Cartoon guidelines does show a closing TN indicator after the scene setting followed on the next line by an opening TN before “caption”. Which is the proper way to format the TNs in a cartoon situation?


    Thank you for your time.


    According to 3.2.1b: "The note may contain multiple notes and paragraphs before it is closed. However, I do see the Example related to Cartoons. Technically, either could be considered correct. The example in section 14 is done that way to distinguish between the two different elements of the cartoon...this is not the case where you have a continued paragraph (per 3.2.1)...the caption is a separate element. I would suggest following the lead of the BF guidelines. Make the Caption a separate TN.


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