Two Page keys

Home Forums Tactile Graphics Two Page keys

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  • #29737
    Michael Gunner

    Hi Rebecca,

    I am proofreading and the transcriber has chosen to transcribe the second page of a two page key above the  graphic. I cannot find support for this in the rules. It has always been my understanding that if a two page key is needed the graphic comes first followed by the two page key.  I would like to know if finishing the key on the graph page is acceptable or if the graph should come first followed by the two page key?

    Thank You,



    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for your question.

    It is true that the exception in section of the Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics says, "If one part of a tactile graphic requires more than one page for a key, the graphic would be placed on the left-hand page and the key on the following right-hand pages." However, in this case, I think because it will fit, it is preferable to have the key and the graphic on the same spread (facing left- and right-hand pages). The guideline still definitely applies if there are two key pages in addition to the graphic page, but nothing in the guidelines prohibits placing part of the key on the page with the graphic.

    Also, depending on the length of the explanations for the keys (words versus longer phrases), it might be possible to put the key in 2 columns (G&S and keep the key to one page.


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