Typeform passage with a list

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    Christina Conroy

    Hi! This seems like an elementary question, but I and another transcriber are struggling to be sure we have it right.

    Let's say you have a list for which you want to retain italics. The list is as follows:

    We go to the park.

    We go swimming.

    We lie in the sun.

    This should be formatted with an italics passage indicator before each sentence, and then the terminator after "sun". (This I'm clear about.)

    What if the list is:

    We go to the park.

    We swim.

    Should each have a passage before it? Terminating after "swim"? (This is similar to an example in the Formats Study Guide, and that's what I take to be correct from there.)

    But what if your list is:

    We swim.

    We bake.

    Put passage before each, terminating after "bake"? That doesn't seem right. That seems it should be word indicators before each word.

    What about a list like:



    Should a passage go before each and terminate after "bake"? That *really* doesn't seem right...

    Any help would be awesome! Especially if it includes pointing us to an example somewhere.


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Chris Clemens. Reason: Instructed by Cindi Laurent to move it
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Chris Clemens.

    This is really a question for the UEB literary forum (and I will have it transferred there).


    Dan Gergen
    Hello Christina,
    Thank you for your question. Hopefully, we can shed some light on the subject.
    UEB §9.9.1 explains, "When transcribing a typeform passage which extends over more than one text element (e.g. a series of consecutive paragraphs), each text element is preceded by the typeform passage indicator and the typeform is terminated only at the point where the typeform changes."
    Since you are brailling a list, UEB would consider each text element as a series of consecutive paragraphs. If you want to retain the italics for the entire list, your first, second, and third examples should each be transcribed as italics passages because each example has three or more words. Each line should begin with the italics passage indicator and the terminator is only placed after the last word in each example.
    A list (paragraph) item in a passage that extends over more than one text element, can be a single word or several words. It can even be an ellipsis that represents an omission —as long as the entire list contains three or more symbols-sequences over more than one line.
    Your fourth example is not a passage. The list has only two words. Italics word indicators should be used for both words. If there was a third line with one or more words then it would be a passage. 
    (UEB 9.9.1 doesn't present any examples, but the same format is used for capitalized passages that extend over more than one text element. There is a four-paragraph example in UEB 8.5.5.)
    I hope this answers your question.
    Christina Conroy

    Thank you so much, Dan. This definitely sheds light. I think I've done this wrong for a long time! But now I know! 🙂

    Lynna Landroche

    I know this is an older thread, but my question is right along the same lines, so I thought I would post here, rather than making a new thread.

    In a book I am working on, I have two italicized paragraphs (where we are retaining the italics). The first has only two words and the second has three words. From Dan's response above, it sounds like both paragraphs would use passage indicators, rather than word indicators for the first paragraph and a passage indicator for the second one. Is that correct?


    Hello Lynna,

    Yes, from the description of your material, the previous advice would also apply to your material. It sounds like Christina's second example is very similar to your material.

    Hope this helps.

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