UEB Math – Advanced Functions

Home Forums Unified English Braille Technical UEB Math – Advanced Functions


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  • #34540

    I would appreciate feedback on whether this UEB math has been correctly transcribed. I have attached images of the print and braille.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by site4vi.
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    Oops ... I attempted to upload an updated image. It did not provide the option to delete the previously uploaded image.  Please see the 2nd file for the advanced functions - braille.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by site4vi.

    Please disregard and see the next post.



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by site4vi.
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    Update images 🙂

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    Thank you for the question. I see that you have used the opening enlarged curly braces (as are used in print), a grade 1 passage for the function and its various qualifying expressions as well as for the intervening word “for,” and appropriate symbols of comparison. This is clearly a well thought out transcription.

    Please let me suggest reviewing the points highlighted in the attached image.  Those are:

    1. a grade 1 symbol indicator before a superscript indicator within a grade 1 passage
    2. a lack of enlarged grouping symbol on a line with a runover within an expression printed to the right of the enlarged curly brace
    3. a grade 1 symbol indicator before a letter standing alone within a grade 1 passage
    4. a terminator for the square root placed after the point where the printed vinculum of the square root ends

    I think we should do away with both of those grade 1 symbol indicators, place an enlarged grouping symbol on the runover line, and move the terminator after the x. How does that sound to you?


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    Thank you Kyle!  I had corrected a couple of the issues that you also found after posting my images.  I appreciate you taking a look and pointing out needed corrections!! 🙂

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