Unwanted Line Breaks

Home Forums Computer-Assisted Transcription Unwanted Line Breaks

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    I have a few questions about line breaks. I'm using DBT 11.3 SR1 and Word 2013. I am not using any templates in Word, and am opening up files in Duxbury using the English (UEB) - BANA Document Settings Template.

    When I open up a file in Duxbury and translate it, the assisted-hyphenation code appears after slashes, and often after commas in long numbers and before capital letters within words. For example, for dates like 07/13/2016 or phrases like black/white, it will add a continuation indicator after a slash and split the sequence across lines, rather than moving the whole thing to the next line. Shouldn't those types of things be kept together on the same line? Is everyone having to deal with these assisted-hyphens or are there settings I can change to get around them?

    I did discover that I can put the code [ahy0] at the beginning of the dxp file, and it will not insert the assisted-hyphens. The problem then becomes websites within the text that are longer than a full line. They get split across lines wherever they fall, with a continuation indicator in the last cell of the line. Does that have to be a manual fix each time, to split them at appropriate places?

    Maybe the ideal would be to keep all the assisted-hyphens in and be able to specify when they are used, like only with symbols-sequences that are longer than x number of cells (25 or 40, or whatever a full line is) or that begin after a certain column (to save some space by preventing things from being bumped to the next line when it would leave a very short line before it). Is that possible?

    Thanks for any advice!



    What you need to do is you the protect group codes.  This will protect strings of data that you want to keep on the same braille line.  If you use ctrl open bracket to insert you codes then this is the coding you need: [:]stringofdatatoprotect[;].


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