using hyphen as a bullet

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    Is it acceptable to use a hyphen as a bullet?  I always have but there is discussion within my team of UEB rule  "can't have a lower cell standing alone"   Thank you

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    Dan Gergen

    The lower sign rule only applies to lower contractions. You may use a hyphen standing alone as a bullet. The rule is in UEB 7.1.4.

    Don't forget that some lower punctuation standing alone could be read as a lower contraction, such as a question mark when standing alone would be read as the lower wordsign his and would therefore need a grade 1 indicator.

    See UEB 3.5.1, where the rule is to "follow print for the use of the bullet" and "At times, other symbols may be used for a similar purpose." Since you have hyphens used as bullets, follow print and use a hyphen in braille, as well. Put one space between the hyphen and the following text, as your print shows.
    Julie Sumwalt, Chair
    UEB Literary Committee
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