Volumization of Brief Table of Contents

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    A textbook we’re transcribing has a brief table of contents and a full table of contents. Format Guidelines state to use the full brief table of contents in the first volume only, and the portion of the full table of contents that is contained within volume 1. The problem is, the brief content entries refer to sections quite a bit larger than the volume divisions. So, what is the proper way to indicate a volume division that is within a brief content entry? Some of the brief content entries may span several volumes, so is there a good way indicate multiple volume divisions within a single entry? In the attached example you can see that the second entry in Unit 1 starts on Print page 59. How would we show a volume division that ends on print page 20? We can’t find any information about this particular situation, but it’s hard to believe it doesn’t happen quite often.

    Thank you for your time.

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    John Romeo

    Great question!

    The entire brief table of contents (TOC) takes the place of the full TOC in the first volume BF 2.10.1a and the first
    volume also includes, on a new braille page, the portion of the full TOC that pertains to that volume. BF 2.10.1c.

    I understand you are asking about formatting the brief TOC. The formatting decisions for the brief TOC are the same for an entire TOC. BF 2.10.1e For example, if the brief TOC was not present and the transcriber was producing a TOC, to show a volume indicator that ends in the middle of a unit, the TOC in the subsequent volume repeats the centered unit or part heading and any listed item(s) in which the volume division occurs. Insert “(cont.)” after the last listed item only. BF 2.10.10a These same guidelines would apply to the brief TOC.

    In conclusion, I understand the guidelines to say  at the end of volume 1, add a blank line, Volume 2 indicator, repeat the heading followed by “(cont.)” and then add the page number the where volume continues. Because it is a brief TOC, I would not repeat the unit heading.



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