web address with equal signs in UEB with Nemeth

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science web address with equal signs in UEB with Nemeth

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  • #38606

    This is a UEB with Nemeth transcription, should we open and close Nemeth for this website? If we use the open and close, there is a space on either side of the equal sign, which is not appropriate for a website. Should we use a UEB equal sign and place the symbol on the SS page? See screen shot of this website.


    Thank you for your time.

    Lindy Walton

    The BANA Nemeth committee is advising that you follow UEB rules and use UEB symbols for web addresses.

    On your Special Symbols page, I suggest specifying the context in which the UEB "math" symbol is used. For example, "Equals sign used in web address"


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Lindy Walton.
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