Words in Math Context

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Words in Math Context

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  • #43542

    In Lesson Manual 3.2, words in a mathematical context are discussed. At times, it is not entirely clear whether the word is part of the equation. For instance, in the equation 2.5+2.5 = 5 pounds, is pounds part of the equation? The word does not need to be there to make the equation true but in context it seems as if it is part of the equation.


    We've been going back and forth on this and can kind of see either way, but wanted to see your suggestion since we couldn't find a specific example.


    Thank you for your help!

    Lindy Walton

    True, the suggestion we make about reading the math without the words does work here (2.5 + 2.5 DOES = 5). I would be surprised to see this example in a textbook because it is incomplete. I would expect to see 2.5 pounds + 2.5 pounds = 5 pounds, in which case the words definitely are part of the equality.

    I agree with you that the problem you show can be interpreted either way. Here is where the transcriber would need to make a decision and then apply it consistently throughout the transcription.


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