x Symbol in Music Transcription

Home Forums Music Braille x Symbol in Music Transcription

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  • #43423
    Robert Dietrich

    Hello Kathleen:

    I encountered a strange "x" symbol in a music transcription and I can't figure out what it is. Any ideas?


    Thank you,


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    Hi Robert,

    It appears as though the Xs are marking places where the parts cross - in the first example, the baritone sings below the bass at the Xs. In the second, the tenor sings below the lead.

    How you transcribe that is up to you - but I would probably place the x as a word-sign expression before each note above which it is printed. Unless it's indicated in the score that that's exactly what the Xs are there for, you don't have to explain them. But do put in a TN saying how you are transcribing the Xs.


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