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ParticipantCan you send me a picture of one page? Is this in a brief contents or a full contents?
ParticipantThank you for mentioning the bold footnotes. You are correct, in that case, a transcriber's note stating that all bold words have footnotes associated with them is sufficient. Even in the updated formats. Footnotes that are referenced using emphasis are NOT considered unmarked references.
You need a blank line between the end of a play and whatever follows, but I don't think what you are showing is the end, so you don't need the blank line between the VO and the footnote separation indicator. Because the scene setting is blocked, you would need a blank line before that (following the page change indicator). The only time you would have a blank line between the footnotes and the page change indicator is when whatever starts that next print page begins in cell 3. Then there is a blank line between the footnotes and the page change indicator to clarify that separation.
ParticipantAccording to UEB 10.6.8 you are to use the contraction for 'in' wherever it occurs. According to 10.6.10, use lower groupsigns as long as there is an upper dot in the sequence in which it is used. Because of these two rules, the superscript indicator could be read as the contraction for 'in' without the grade 1 indicator. In your example, you do need the grade 1 indicator before the superscript.
Participant1. The underscore will not be required on the Special Symbols page...but that does not mean that you couldn't put it on there. We are recommending that new symbols (symbols that changed because of UEB) be included on the Special Symbols page just for clarification.
2. Yes follow print for spacing with the plus/minus signs.
3. A transcriber's note sounds like a good way to go for this.
4. Yes, follow UEB...and use the 2011 Formats rules as much as you can (without using any of the symbols that might conflict with UEB).
If you have any further questions, let me know 🙂
ParticipantThe Formats 2011 stress/scansion symbols will not be retained in the updated they would conflict with UEB symbols. If the symbol in print looks like a breve, it should be transcribed using the UEB breve symbols.
ParticipantI think that I wouldn't get too hung up on the perfect way to do this.
According to 14.3, scene settings are just paragraphs. I believe you should block these.
Dialogue is 1-3. Retain capitalization etc. You should not leave a blank line between lines of dialog...or lists of characters. I would treat the voice over like a dialog.
According to UEB, follow print for capitalization.
I wouldn't center that whole first paragraph [The incredible story of how ...] So then the written and directed by part would be a paragraph instead of centered. Cell 5 heading (Featuring ...) and the featured people as a list.
Dots (46, 3456, 1456) is the seventh transcriber defined indicator. That is no longer to be considered as a reference indicator. If there is no print reference indicator, insert an embedded transcriber's note (just the word note) to notify the reader that a note is present. This is the soon-to-be-approved method for unmarked notes.
If I didn't answer all your questions, please let me know.
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by
ParticipantAccording to the updated formats (which is not yet posted anywhere) you would use the regular hyphen and contract the er. This also follows UEB guidelines. If you want to follow 2011 formats, you would use the regular hyphen and uncontract the er.
ParticipantWe do, but we are a small organization. Our state agency also does. And we do some work for APH and always put a running head on their stuff.
ParticipantMelissa - I can tell you what the updated formats will say for this type of situation. A breve is a you are correct that the UEB symbol for breve should be used. In many types of material like what you have that I have seen, the other mark looks much more like a grave accent symbol. However, I agree with you that yours appear to be slashes. Whichever print symbol you decide it is, use that braille equivalent (either the slash or the grave accent). What you have done is exactly what we are recommending - with one exception. We are recommending that the symbols be placed over the first letter of the syllable rather than the first vowel as has been done in the past. If you happen to have two small syllables, there does not need to be a space between the two types of accent/stress symbols...and if truly necessary (if the first of two syllables is only one letter) you may place the first accent/stress mark over the space or capital sign that precedes the word.
Let me know if I've not been clear enough. Great job with what you did!
Participant1. I would list them as a whole.
2. The IPA symbols are used ONLY when the material specifically says that it is IPA material. So for the example you have attached, you should use the regular two cell slash. Follow print for spacing.
ParticipantThere is not a specific format for these types of situations. I have seen them done three different ways.
- If the passage and the questions are on always two consecutive pages (with nothing else on those two pages), the two pages are combined with the passage being completed first followed by all the questions to that passage. In the example you sent me, this wouldn't work because the next passage starts on the same page as the first passage ends.
- I've seen a transcriber's note added to the notes page that says that each passage is transcribed in its entirety and the related questions are moved to follow the passage. Print page numbers are then done as they are in print - as if the passage is the only thing on the page - with the questions placed at the end of the applicable passage. This works ok as it lets the reader finish the entire passage and then answer all the questions...but it does not keep the questions on the same page as they are in print.
- I've seen them transcribed just as they are in print...which I think makes it hard for the reader as oftentimes the passage is then interrupted in the middle of a sentence.
You will need to check with whoever is requesting this material and see which they would prefer. I don't believe there is any way to present it to the braille reader in exactly the same was as it is for the print reader. You can't always put both the passage and the questions on the same braille page in any way that is not completely disruptive to the reading of the passage.
ParticipantI would say that according to the rules you cannot use the 'gh' contraction for several reasons: 10.11.1 says to not use a groupsign which would bridge the words which make up an unhyphenated compound word; 10.11.2 says to not use 'gh' when the 'h' is aspirated...which it is in leghorn; 10.12.6 shows the bighorn example (stating not to use a contraction when it would hinder the recognition of the word). You should not rely on your software for this one; but rather follow the rules.
ParticipantNo, I don't think a note is required.
ParticipantAccording to 4.3.9 of Braille Formats, a centered heading must be followed by at least one line of text on the braille you cannot put the heading by itself (a page change indicator is not text). A blank print page (or one that only has a title on it) is combined with the following combine the page with the title with print page 1. Use 1 as the print page number. If the running head is the full title (meaning that the running head matches the title that's on the page before print page 1), I would only put the title once.
ParticipantYou need to account for all the print your first page number should be 1-4.
This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by