Forum Replies Created
ModeratorYou've given me lots to work with, thank you. Can you clarify one more issue for me? Is it acceptable to substitute only the denominator inside the strip segments for larger fractions such as 1/48 or 1/64. With a transcriber note to explain that 64 represents 1/64? Or to omit fraction indicators and show only numerator slash denominator?
If fraction strips are covered in the new TG manual, I apologize, I didn't see anything that applied. Thanks!dspence
ModeratorDear Ibraam,
Has someone already created the science pictures for your students and you are asking for help with getting your everest v3 embosser to print the graphic files? If so I would recommend you contact the manufacturer for technical support. Or...
Are you asking for the steps necessary in creating science graphics using a computer graphics program? If that's the case, I'm putting out a request to any tactile graphics artist that use a braille graphics program with an everest embosser to contact Ibraam at his email address listed below and offer support.
ModeratorHello again Georgia Braille...well you're in luck! You're getting 3 opinions for the price of one! I'm attaching a response from Aquinas Pather (BANA TG Committee Chair) and Betty Marshall (NBA Nemeth Chair and TG Committee Member). Quite an interesting response. I've also entered in my opinion as well. Each of us precede our remarkes with our names in brackets. I've italicized direct quotes from the TG Guidelines as reference. Aquinas also included a graphic showing the correct placement of the lead lines and how they should align with the reference marks on the number line. Enjoy and I look forward to your reaction. Diane
ModeratorThank you. We look forward to hearing from you and the others on the BANA TG Committee.
Marie Amersondspence
ModeratorHi Georgia Braille,
TG Guidelines 1.3 states, "No diagram should be routinely omitted if a viable method can be found to render it tactually comprehensible. On the other hand, diagrams that do not add additional, necessary information than what is stated in the surrounding text may be omitted. Sometimes ..."
The intent of the TG Guidelines writers was to communicate that graphics should not be automatically dismissed in print to braille transcriptions. The diagram you provided in the attachment is a good example of exactly WHEN to include a graphic. This diagram should be included even though the text seems to explain the process for computation and define/describe the concept being taught. In the print text, the student is provided the explanation and a diagram to illustrate the concept. The braille reader should have the opportunity to read the text and see a diagram to illustrate the concept as well. Learning is accomplished through a variety of media (auditory & tactually). Equal access to materials can only be accomplished when the information is provided in a variety of formats.Let me know if you have any other examples you'd like me to review for inclusion...Diane
ModeratorHi jbb...according to the new TG Guidelines, Section, "When a single zero applies to both the x- and y-axis lines, the zero is placed to the left and below the vertex." It looks to me like the print is showing that the zero applies to both axis lines and should therefore be placed at the vertex rather than as one of the vertical labels. This would make version #2 be correct. Diane
ModeratorIf you could please attach a scan of your illustration, it would assist us in giving further advice. Thank you.
ModeratorThank you very much for your help!
ModeratorHi Catherine...as you know you didnt' post the attachment in this post. I answered your questions in your second post.
ModeratorHi Marie, sorry for the delayed response. In the absence of an answer did you work something out for this flow chart?
I would divide the flow chart as indicated with the red lines I've added in the diagram.
My first suggestion would be to key all the boxes with numbers and list the information on a facing page or pages before the flowchart.
I would also include a TN that says #__ through #__ are Elected Officials. #__ through #__ are Appointed Officials.
If you're having trouble getting all the boxes to fit across the braille page, stagger them so that some are higher than the others to allow you to make each row fit across the braille page.
Hope this helps...Diane
edited by dspence on 11/18/2011dspence
ModeratorHi Susan, is this a "test" within a textbook or a standardized test from a publisher?
If it is from a textbook, I would omit the diagram and reword the question to remove the phrase, "Refer to the diagram below." and reword the phrase "What would a magnet spinning in a copper coil produce?"
If this item is from a test publisher and it is a standardized test, I would make this recommendation to the publisher and only make the change IF the publisher approved in writing.
edited by dspence on 11/18/2011dspence
ModeratorThis question is answered in the Mathematics forum.
ModeratorInclude a transcriber’s note explaining the print presentation and what you are going to include in braille—
The print shows a weather map of the United States, parts of Canada and Mexico that includes the state boundaries, major city names, temperatures for each city, location of fronts, weather condition, wind speed, cloud cover, location of High/Low pressure areas and location of a hurricane. The braille map shows an outline of the United State, the location of fronts, High/Low pressure positions, position of the hurricane and an example of how print symbols are used on a weather map.
I would then present an outline of the map as shown in print but with only the fronts, H/L, and hurricane. You would need a key with explanations for all this information and an example of how the print symbols are used on a weather map (the last box on the right).
edited by dspence on 8/27/2011
edited by dspence on 8/27/2011dspence
ModeratorHi Peggy...I've consulted with some of the NBA Tactile Graphics Committee members. Yan Zhang stated that the font for the Tiger should be "braille29", a special font type developed by ViewPlus. The size is automatically set at 29 point. He also suggested that the tutorials on the ViewPlus website might also help. I've sent an email request for information to one other "expert" and as soon as I receive more information I'll update my reply. Hope this helps!
ModeratorThank you so much. I thought that maybe I could use the example of the rainfall map that was included in the Tactile Graphics Guidelines and combine some of the elevations. I see now that there would be still be too much information on the map for one graphic. Thanks again.
Susan -