Janice L. Carroll

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  • in reply to: Embedded Footnotes #36961

    I think I am referring to endnotes that may appear in a chapter that need to be placed at the end of the chapter note section or do they go at the end of the print page.  Does this make sense?

    Trying to utilize the Notes SWIFT tools to see if they work.



    in reply to: Start of a list on top of a braille page #35468

    Does the reply below also hold true for centered, cell-5, and cell-7 headings. I have a software issue that is placing a cell-5 heading on line 2 when I do not have a running head.


    8.3.4 Lists Starting at the Top of Braille Pages

    a. A list can start on line 1 when a running head is not used, if there are two or more blank lines at the bottom of the previous page. Start the list on line 2 when braille is on the last, or next-to-last line of the previous page.

    b. A list starts on line 3 when a running head is used.

    The guidelines specify in this section that a list starts on line 3 when a running head is used.


    in reply to: Algebraic Proof with Steps and Reasons #34556

    Thanks Lindy.  I will give your way a try.  My main concern was having too many switches but since the 1S and 1R do not need to be Nemeth then I will proceed.

    in reply to: NIMAS File Conversion Training #34532

    Braille Blaster will open a NIMAS file (.xml) and allow you to format and translate.  Duxbury will not open a large NIMAS (xml) file.  Duxbury created NIMPRO which is their pre-processor for NIMAS files and works in tandem with DBT and WORD swift add-in.

    Both translation software programs, DBT and Braille Blaster, will allow you to divide large textbooks into workable volumes.

    For training with Braille Blaster I would contact the American Printing House for the Blind. I would google search APH Braille Blaster.  They have a link to sign up for training.  For NIMPRO/DBT training you should contact Duxbury Support.




    in reply to: Swift Add Ins #34445

    In WORD you will not be able to keep up with even or odd as it is not translated.  You need to open the WORD file into DBT via swift and you will have both programs opened and after you translate then you can determine even or odd.  I agree that it is cumbersome.

    As for as the page number coding I am copying a portion of the DBT Quick Code Reference for this code.  I would suggest going to help topics and setting this one to display under your help favorites tab.

    <tr class="TableStyle-Basic-Body-Body1">
    <td class="TableStyle-Basic-BodyE-Column1-Body1">[svpnpN:N:N:N] – Set page number placement values. The N's are given in the order: braille (internal) page number on odd sides, internal number on even sides, print (reference) number on odd sides, reference number on even sides. The possible values for any N are: 0 for no place, 1 for upper left, 2 for upper right, 3 for lower left, 4 for lower right. The default values are 4, 4, 2 and 2 respectively (corresponding to American "textbook format"). E.g. [svpnp2:2:0:0] would establish customary literary format, with braille page numbers at upper right and no print page numbers shown.

    Braille Pages will remain unnumbered until you turn them back on.  If you need more than one blank page then you can use the [pg] code for as many blanks that you need.

    in reply to: Swift Add Ins #34403

    If you are using the latest version of swift then you need to go to the Page setups menu on the swift ribbon.  You will find the last 4 selections are related to inserting blank pages. See attachment.

    I hope this helps.

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    in reply to: Addition to page numbering for graphics #34386

    If you are using the current version of the Swift Add-in with WORD there are tools to help with blank pagination for tactile graphics. It is very useful and eliminates all the code entry you need to do manually. If you are not using the current Swift and WORD you can go into DBT Help Quick Code Reference and choose all of the appropriate codes to input into you DXP file. I agree that it is cumbersome to do this in DBT but the Swift tool does help some.

    Thank you for your look up in the tactile graphics guidelines.  I have used all page numbers on all pages in the majority of my work.  A lot that decision may be the preference of the agency/customer.

    in reply to: Compatibility: pc/mac b2k files #33989

    I am hoping that you have since heard back from Braille 2000 support.  I know that Duxbury has a mac version of their software. As far as I know Braille 2000 does work in Windows 10.

    in reply to: Symbol List #33988

    If you have not already found an answer, I would suggest that you ask your question in the UEB Forum.

    in reply to: PDF to word translation #33987

    First of all let me apologize for the delay in a response.

    Unfortunately math will not convert well at all.  I would suggest that you look into using the Math Options under autocorrect in WORD.  It may help you in inserting some of those math characters. Another idea might me to use MathType.  It is an addin for WORD.

    in reply to: Dictionary Entry #32706

    I meant to say that I would transcribe the 2nd version WITHOUT the orange text.

    in reply to: Interpoint literary page numbering #32644

    The attached PDF was provided to me by Betty Marshall of our NBA Board.  She is a Braille 2000 user.  I am not.  Hope her reply helps you figure it all out.


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    in reply to: Extra Blank Pages in DBT 11.3 #27402

    Well my files is too large to upload on Ask An Expert.  If you email me at januslou@gmail.com I will share the PDF with you.

    in reply to: Extra Blank Pages in DBT 11.3 #27401

    The Swift BANA 2015 template page setup codes are indeed for interpoint.  I am attaching a copy of my quick page setup guide that you solve your problem.

    in reply to: Unwanted Line Breaks #27400

    What you need to do is you the protect group codes.  This will protect strings of data that you want to keep on the same braille line.  If you use ctrl open bracket to insert you codes then this is the coding you need: [:]stringofdatatoprotect[;].


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