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ParticipantThe 4 pages attached are the ones in question. So I am not sure how other people actually write on their .pdf files, so I will just add that here. 😉
The ones in question would be the circled text off to the right and also the boxed text talking about strategy. And while I have your attention; how would you treat the spelling pattern box below? We are actually emphasizing the red part words with italics to show the student. Let me know what you think.
Thank you so much for your time.
ParticipantI understand what you're saying, but I wasn't clear with my question. I had in mind situations other than the classroom, say an adult picking up a magazine or non-fiction book. We still can't teach Nemeth, I agree. Maybe write out the Nemeth bits in words on the TN page? I just want to make sure your answer is the same for these kinds of situations.
ParticipantWe don't teach all the other things in textbooks either, like foreign language and punctuation! These are things the reader is expected to know or are things that they are learning in the class, just like the sighted readers. We list the symbols that are used in braille and then the braille reader sees the same symbols as the sighted reader. Some of all of the symbols may not be understood by the sighted readers either! Explaining symbols is the teacher's job. Making those symbols accessible to the braille reader is the transcriber's job.
Hope that helps.
ParticipantThanks so much Joanna. My "preference" matches yours. I like to start a box on a new page if there is not room to braille the entire box on the previous page. Thanks again.
ParticipantThat is a great questions! I think "preferable" means to use best judgment. But I would remind you that space-saving is NOT a priority. Clarity and ease of reading comes first, along with accurate reflection of the print. My own preference is to start boxed material on a new braille page if it will not fit on the current braille page regardless of the resulting extra space at the bottom of the braille page. As a print reader, I prefer my boxes all on one page too! That is MY preference, but others may have a different preference especially in their own specific situation. This is why the guidelines say PREFERENCE. I think the old rules used to say that a braille box should be on a single page wherever POSSIBLE. And now it says PREFERENCE. Best judgment!
And of course in come cases a box may not fit on a single braille page anyway.
ParticipantSee Section 1.3.1 for working with occasional Nemeth in a general textbook. This is NEW. See also Section 3.4. Also NEW. And Section 11.1.2, which states that all computations are transcribed in Nemeth. There are new provisions about beginning and ending Nemeth code symbols and transitioning in and out of Nemeth code for partially technical books that have only some Nemeth in them.
Found all this in the Index under Nemeth code.
Let us know if this helps.
ParticipantThank you for your timely response. Attached is a print example with an accompanying question.
I mean that I would put the Envision It section, the full TOC, the glossary, the word list and the Vocabulary Handbook - in that order - into a supplemental volume. (The Vocabulary Handbook is numbered with the W.) Each unit (volume) has questions in it that refers to the Envision It section and the Vocabulary Handbook section. It seems redundant to me to include these sections (41 print pages) in each volume ... but I will if necessary. That's why I'm seeking an expert's opinion.
P.S. This is a sixth grade reading book. The order of the print is: Envision It, TOC, Units 1-3, Glossary, Word List and Vocabulary Handbook.Sharon
ParticipantI'm having trouble following you. The problem here is that you have it right in front of you and I can't see what you have. When you say you want to put all of "this material" in a supplemental volume, I don't know which material you mean. Do you mean that Glossary material that you say is at the end of the book or the E-pages that begin each section? Are you saying that the E-pages are repeated in print at the beginning of each section? Or the E-pages are print just once at the beginning of the book? And what are the W pages?
ParticipantThe new Formats now clarifies that unreleated columns are NOT a table, but lists that happen to be printed next to each other. That is a visual arrangement, nothing more. Formatting should reflect what something actually IS, not necessary just what it LOOKS LIKE. Unrelated columns may be printed to look like tables, but in fact they aren't, and now that issue is simplied and clarified and lists that happen to be printed next to each other are brailled according to what they ARE, which is lists.
ParticipantPlease see the attached for the sample page requested.
ParticipantThese new guidelines provide specific guidance about special symbols. The particular symbols that need to be on a list symbols list are given in the section that applies to them. That's why the math symbols used in spellers are given in the section on spellers.
The General Purpose Symbols are just that--a list of just about ALL the symbols used in braille. These do not necessarily go on the special symbols page. They include punctuation and composition signs. Would you put a comma on the special symbols page? A capital sign?
Look in the Index under Special symbols. You will see a list of the various sections that require special symbols, including Spellers. When working with material that applies to those sections, you'll see which symbols are needed for that material.
ParticipantThe "Focus Skill" is actually an icon and the circle and star are part of its design. See Section 4.9 for icons--how they are formatted, when they are included or not. Colored fonts are shown ONLY when the color adds information. Read the sections that pertain to colors--Section 5.1.2 and and 5.3.
ParticipantTake a look at page 17-11. (That's page 11 in Section 17). Let us know if that's the information you are looking for.
ParticipantActually, the new 2011 Formats does address this issue of change of context at the top of a new braille page, but in a different way. The result is just about the same. If there is a change in context, such as the resumption of regular text following a sidebar, there would be a blank line on line 1 just as you have in your sample. A specific guidelines on that is not necessary. If text must be preceded by a blank line, then insert it at line 1 if necessary. Note that there is a specific guideline for headings and open box lines.
Both headings and box lines announce a change of context. Section 4.3 specifically says headings can be placed on line 1 UNLESS THERE IS A RUNNING HEAD, and if so, the heading is on LINE 3, not lint 2, providing for a blank line preceding the heading. This means that the heading is considered enough of a change of context so that it can be line line 1. The guidelines for the boxing line is exactly the same. See Section 7.2. Also see the thread below title Box at top of print page. That one asks the same question from the perspective of boxing lines.
Thank you very much for the print example. It was very helpful.