Lindy Walton
Forum Replies Created
Lindy Walton
ModeratorHi. I am forwarding your question to someone with more experience in this topic.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorWe are discussing this interesting question! Can you please send an example of what you want to say in your 1-word TN?
Lindy Walton
ModeratorVeeah, I think your solution is fine. It is easy to read, once you get the hang of it. Thank you for noticing that the termination indicator is not needed after a shape symbol (unless it is modified). Regarding your last question about the internal termination, I think it reads well. It might be helpful to list that long construction in the list of symbols:
$su_$$33o] Square u-shaped symbol with right-pointing arrow directly over it (Nemeth Code symbol)
With so many transcriber-devised symbols, as well as those uncommon half-bracket symbols, I might suggest pulling out the symbols used in the calculator windows as a separate topic heading on your Special Symbols page. The cell-5 heading could be something like "Nemeth Symbols used in Calculator Windows". Then you can omit "(Nemeth Code symbol)" from each description.
Difficult examples are why we're here. They are fun to analyze and discuss. Thank you for the puzzle.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorThank you for pointing out my error. Please back up and read my first response, which I have corrected.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorThis response has been updated. I have corrected the margins for the displayed expression and have rewritten my response, below.
I like your interpretation, except I have questions about the sin function. Section 195.e doesn't give us any guidance about what to do when function notation won't fit on one line. I have been told not separate the function name from its associated "argument" (what comes after the function name--I'm not sure what to call that expression). So I would opt for keeping the grouped expression undivided, as shown in the first way I transcribed this in the attached BRF file. In that transcription, I kept "sin [___]+738" on one line.Others may feel that "390 sin" should not be divided between lines, since it is unspaced in braille. I have shown another option for transcribing this (in the attached BRF file) which divides before the opening parenthesis that occurs inside the bracketed portion.
In neither transcription have I divided again before the plus sign. The practice of making further divisions at locations higher on the priority list has fallen out of favor, and is not stated in the code.
Regarding your question about whether to include the word "latitude" as part of the Nemeth term "60° N", since "60° N latitude" is not part of a math expression, the word is just a word, and so it is correct to transcribe "latitude" in UEB.
I'm glad we are here to help, too.
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
Lindy Walton.
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
Lindy Walton. Reason: Removed simbraille; corrected margins in attachment; added more explanations
You must be logged in to view attached files.June 18, 2021 at 3:28 pm in reply to: margins for formal proofs and auxiliary captions in itemized material #37565Lindy Walton
ModeratorThis is a formatting detail to which you can apply flexibility, depending on the context and personal preference. You can either treat the proof as displayed narrative and use an indented left margin of cell 3, or you can use full margins (40 cells). Either way, the required blank line before and after the entire proof will set it off from the surrounding itemized material. Another option is to use full margins and add a box. If the box does not exist in print, a TN be appropriate, telling the reader that the proofs are boxed.
If none of these ideas suits your material, please send an image and we can think about other possibilities.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorIn Nemeth, the italic type-form indicator (46) affects only the next letter. The type-form "ends" after the letter -- no explicit terminator is needed, not even a space.
In your example, however, the type-form of the imaginary number i should be disregarded. The only time you would retain the italics in the transcription would be if there is another mathematical "i" (in regular type) in the vicinity that means something different from "imaginary number." In that case, the type-form would be retained in order to distinguish the two different i's.
Italics are applied only if the type-form has mathematical significance, according to the provisions of Section 34.b which says the following. "When any material, mathematical or literary, is printed in non-regular type that has no mathematical significance, the variant type form must not be represented in the transcription. Frequently, it is the practice to print the letters of all formulas throughout a book in italicized type. This practice must not be carried over to the transcription unless the author has specifically distinguished between two meanings of the same letter, assigning one meaning to the letter in regular type and another to the letter in italic type. In addition, a variant type form is often used, particularly at the lower grade levels, for the sole purpose of attracting the reader's attention. Such variant type forms must also <u>not</u> be represented in the transcription."
Thank you for your question.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorThank you for your patience while I searched for an answer to your question. I would like to thank Bonnie Read for her help and suggestions for the transcription of the graphic calculator images in your example (Example 3). She has given us two ideas. One method uses one transcriber-created symbol and two of the half-bracket symbols of the Nemeth Code. The other method uses transcriber-created symbols for all of the bracket shapes.
The five shaded screen examples will be illustrated below. Note that the blue shaded area before each "2" is a shaded (highlighted) answer box. Use the 456 highlight indicator as listed in Graphing Calculator Guidelines 5.3 on page 3.
I'm not sure I can mix the braille font in the text on this page. If it doesn't work, you can paste the ASCII characters into your braille document. I have also attached a braille file illustrating the examples.
--First answer box: There is no braille equivalent for the square "u" shape between the digits 2 and 7 in the first screen. Create a shape for this according to Nemeth Rule XVI Section 107. Bonnie chose to use the shape indicator followed by the letters su for "square u". (This symbol must be listed on the Special Symbols page. For example, $su Square u-shaped symbol (Nemeth Code symbol). You could use another transcriber created symbol if you choose as long as you list it on the Special Symbols page with the appropriate definition.
--Second answer box: There is no underscore symbol. I chose to use a general omission symbol (full cell) modified with a horizontal bar directly under, according to Nemeth Code Section 86.c. Instead, you could opt to make another transcriber created symbol.
--In answer boxes 2, 3, and 4 she uses the Half Brackets as listed in Nemeth Rule XVIII. It is not required to list these symbols on the Special Symbols page, but I might be tempted to since they are not often encountered.
--The last highlighted answer box is straightforward Nemeth, after the highlight indicator.
Here are the five answer boxes, using METHOD ONE.
_#2_?7/8_#METHOD TWO
A transcriber shape has been created for all four shapes, interpreting them as sides of a box. The following transcriber shape symbols could be used indicating sides of the box:
l – left; b – bottom; r – right; t - top.The first shape is $lbr
The second shape is $b
The third shape is $br
The fourth shape is $ltHere are the five answer boxes, using METHOD TWO.
I'd be curious to know what you end up doing!Lindy
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
Lindy Walton.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Lindy Walton
Moderator(Veeah, I am still seeking an answer to your question)
Lindy Walton
If the table contains no symbols that require a switch to Nemeth Code, then it can be transcribed in UEB. However, if you decide to omit the numeric indicators to save space, you should not use the UEB numeric passage indicator in a Nemeth transcription, so that table would be done in Nemeth.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorHi Laurie. I think the tactile graphics folks will be able to answer your questions better than I can. I look forward to seeing what they say.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorHi Connie. You are right, these linked expressions do not need to follow the special margins rule. If there is text after the numbers 1. and 2., then yes these should be formatted as displayed expressions, starting the anchor in cell 5 and placing all runovers in cell 7. If there is no text after the numbers 1. and 2., as shown in the example you attached, then I would begin each anchor on the same line as the identifier, placing all runovers in cell 3.
When a link needs to be divided within a series of complicated linked expressions like these, the first rule of thumb for clarity is to start a new line with each link. In these examples, that means at each baseline equals sign. I like to do that even with the final link, which tends to be short. Starting each link on a new line gives clarity to the progression.
To divide a long link, the first priority is keeping the enclosed portions together on the same line. Beyond that, go as far as you can and then divide at one of the indicators from the priority list. In number 1 and number 2, this turns out to be a superscript indicator.
I would not divide again before the dy. An implied operation sign is not on the list. I see no reason to break before a factor when it will fit on the line.
In number 3, I would go ahead and transcribe the subscript (x = 1/2 y) since it fits on the line with that closing bracket. Then start the new line with the superscript indicator.
Hope this helps!
Lindy Walton
ModeratorYes, if you are going to show the arrow, a shape indicator (1246) is required before constructing the arrow.
Lindy Walton
ModeratorThe way you treat a letter printed with an arrow above it (representing a vector) depends on the context and on the style used in the rest of the text. If the letter is printed in bold type, the typeform has mathematical meaning and so is retained. In such a case, the arrow is omitted. NC §35.b says this: "When both boldface type and arrows of uniform construction are used in conjunction to represent vectors, the arrows themselves must be omitted from the transcription unless the author calls special attention to them as a notation device, but a transcriber's note must be included indicating their presence in the ink print copy."
If the vector letter is not printed in bold, then the arrow is transcribed as a modifier above the letter, as you have done. However, read the surrounding text to determine if this arrowhead style has specific meaning. The half-barb is often a printer's style and may have no mathematical meaning. If ALL of the vector notation in your book shows the half-barbed arrowhead, you may change the arrow to the 2-cell contracted form. This will relieve both reader and transcriber. The reader should be told in a transcriber's note that the arrows in print use the upper-barb style.
Thank you for your question.
LindyLindy Walton
ModeratorUsing a general omission symbol to represent the omitted radicand will solve your issue.
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by